Gnocchi - Delicious Italian everyday food!

Gnocchi are very common in Italy and are usually served with pesto or tomato sauce. Here you can make a fantastic pasta variety where potatoes are the main ingredient. This is filling and very good.



Recipe Gnocchi

  • 1 kg almond potatoes
  • 150 gram wheat flour (tipo 00)
  • 2 pcs egg yolks
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp grated nutmeg

Recipe pesto

  • 1 pcs basil plant
  • 4 tbsp roasted pine nuts
  • 1 cloves garlic
  • 50 gram grated parmesan
  • 1 pcs lemon
  • 2 dl rapeseed oil
  • 2 tbsp good olive oil
  • salt and pepper

I tasted this for the first time in Italy a few years ago. This dish is very popular for children. The word Gnocchi directly translated into Norwegian means lump and it fits perfectly with these potato paste pieces! I have made a video that shows how to make this dish.

Step 1

Start by boiling the potatoes without salt in the water. Let the potatoes cool down a bit and steam completely. Pour some of the flour on the kitchen workbench and mash the potatoes over. Make a small hole in the middle and add the egg yolks. Pour over more flour, salt, nutmeg and pepper.

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Step 2

Knead the dough together until it is pliable and fine. This takes 5-10 minutes. Divide the dough into 6 dough pieces and roll out into sausages. Cut into suitable small pieces and press down with a fork. Boil in well-salted water. Cooking time is 3-4 minutes. When they float to the top of the water, they should be there for about 30 more minutes.

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Step 3

I like to fry the gnocchi in a little oil in a frying pan until they get a slightly golden color, but you can choose for yourself.

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Step 4

Serve with pesto, some basil leaves, grated parmesan and parmesan chips. This is a colorful and fresh lunch. Check out the video on how to make this:

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