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How to grill a burger - Great tips for grilling and accessories

A good hamburger is amazingly good!


  • 180 gram minced meat (80/20)
  • 2 skiver cheese
  • 1 pcs hamburger bread
  • 1 tbsp hamburger dressing
  • 1 blad crispy coleslaw
  • 1 skive tomato
  • 1 skive red onion
  • 4 skiver pickled cucumber

I love a good hamburger and they come in different sizes and with many different accessories. In this post I will come up with some good tips and tricks for making very good burgers at home.

Weber burger

If you use good ingredients, you also get a good burger. When it comes to the meat, I prefer to either grind the meat myself or have it ground in the store. The optimal distribution of meat and fat in a burger is 80% meat and 20% fat. Use good quality meat such as high back. If I grind myself, I grind the meat ice cold with a little salt. If I buy pre-ground, I salt the meat a little something like a better binding of the meat. I think a burger is best when it is not added to other things, but is well ground meat. I use a scale to measure 180 grams per burger and use a burger press for exactly the same burgers. You can also press together and shape with your hands. Then I recommend pressing the meat in the middle of the burger down a bit so it does not "rise" when you grill it.

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Burger bread:

ALWAYS REMEMBER to fry or grill the hamburger bread. Giving the burger bread a good frying pan means that the burger has a better consistency and that dressing or broth flows into the burger bread and makes it soft.


You can choose accessories for the burger yourself, but I always think it's best with homemade hamburger dressing. Here is my recipe for homemade burger dressing.

Gladkokken's hamburger dressing - Homemade is always the best!

In this recipe I used lettuce, tomato, red onion and good cheese. This is very classic, but often also the best.

Barbecue burger:

Grill the burger on direct heat and do not stir the burger until it has a good crust. Turn around and add cheese. When it has a crust on both sides, it is smart to move the burger over to indirect heat and touch the lid so the cheese melts. It is important when making a burger of good meat that it does not become too grilled and gray. It should be medium + fried and a little pink in the middle.

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I have made a video that shows the whole process and you can see it here. Hope you got some great tips and good luck making a perfect burger at home.

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