Chicken fricassee - tradition and nostalgia

Chicken fricassee tastes so good and the memories flow on. Why does this white sauce taste so much better than usual? Why is the chicken silky soft and tender?


  • 2 pcs whole chicken
  • 2 pcs hel kylling
  • 8 pcs carrot
  • 8 pcs gulerot
  • 3 pcs shallots
  • 3 pcs sjalottløk
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 cloves hvitløk
  • 1 pcs puree
  • 1 pcs purre
  • 1 tbsp whole black pepper
  • 1 tbsp hel sort pepper
  • 2 pcs bay leaf
  • 2 pcs laurbærblad
  • 1 pinch fresh thyme
  • 1 pinch fersk timian
  • 4 tbsp wheat flour
  • 4 tbsp hvetemel
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp smør
  • 1 liter broth (you make it in dish)
  • 1 liter kraft (den lager du i retten)
  • 3 dl cream
  • 3 dl fløte
  • salt and pepper
  • salt og pepper

I remember from childhood that this dish was served. To me, this is such a typical lick the rest of the sauce off the plate dish. A dish that quickly ends up in a horizontal position on the sofa for a while afterwards. It's hard to stop eating! It tastes fantastic with chicken fricassee and lamb fricassee as well, but today it was chicken. If you are going to make this dish first, buy a whole chicken. That is the key to having the good broth. It is the broth that gives the good taste of the sauce and the quality of the chicken also helps to get the good result. If you do not buy whole chicken, then buy fresh chicken thighs. This dish is cheap, easy to make and tastes lovely. It takes some time, but it's worth it. Why stress with food when it's the weekend? Half the joy is to smell the delicious smells from the pan and look forward to dinner. Gather family or friends and enjoy a good meal together.

I think no one looks back in time to regret good meals with loved ones! Think about prioritizing this as often as you can.

Step 1

To make the best possible chicken fricassee, you need to make a good broth. Therefore, start by cutting up 2 of the carrots, the shallots, the garlic, and the top green and stem of the leek. Put some butter in a large saucepan and put in the vegetables above.

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Step 2

Cook over medium heat until you have divided the chicken. Here's how to split a chicken How to split a chicken. Add the chicken and fill with cold water. It is important to use cold water when making broth. It draws more flavor out of the meat. After you have completely poured water, add whole pepper, thyme and bay leaf.

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Step 3

Control the heat so it only boils. Put the lid on and leave it there for 1 hour. When the chicken boils, I peel and cut up the rest of the carrot and leek. Feel free to start with the potatoes as well so it is ready until the dish is ready.

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Step 4

When the chicken has cooked, pick it up and place it on a foil or bench or similar. Strain the broth so all the herbs, pepper and onion are gone. Pour the broth back into the pan and add the carrots. Boil for 5 minutes before adding the leeks. Remove the bones and skin of the chicken and place the chicken on a plate.

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Step 5

Let cook for another 5 minutes. Strain again and add butter to the pan. When the butter has melted, add the wheat flour. Stir well while stirring with the hot broth. Finally, pour on the cream and cook until you get the desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Turn down the heat to the lowest and add the leeks, carrots and chicken.

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Step 6

Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with a little finely chopped parsley or thyme. Enjoy a wonderful meal! Good luck.

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