Indian Naan Bread - Make perfect Naan bread at home.

Perfect bread to include all the good sauce!


Big Naan bread

Naan bread

  • 500 gram wheat flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 185 gram Greek yogurt natural
  • 2 tbsp neutral oil
  • 180 gram hot milk
  • 1 pcs yeast starter (recipe just below)

Yeast starter

  • 2 tsp dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 60 gram hot water

Topping for naan bread

  • 1 pcs garlic
  • 1 handful fresh coriander
  • 100 gram butter

When eating Indian food, it is always so good with Naan bread. These delicious thin breads with lots of flavor are actually made in a Tandoor, but I have adapted the recipe so you can make it at home in your own kitchen. The result is at least as good as you get at good Indian restaurants. In Indian food there are so many good sauces. With a Naan bread you get all the good taste!

Step 1

Start by making the yeast starter. Pour dry yeast, sugar and medium hot water into a small bowl. Stir and take plastic wrap on top. Let stand for about 10 minutes. You will now see that the yeast is activated and it becomes frothy on top. If nothing happens then the yeast does not work and you have to do this again.

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Step 2

Measure out the dry ingredient and mix well. Measure out the yoghurt and mix with the flour. Now you will get a slightly "sandy consistency" on the dough.

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Step 3

Heat the milk and add the milk and the yeast starter and the oil to the flour. Mix well and knead the dough for about 5 minutes so you get a smooth and pliable dough.

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Step 4

Find a pan and melt butter. Add well with crushed garlic and melt on low heat. Leave on low heat until the breads are done. Then the butter gets a very good taste of garlic.

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Step 5

Put the dough in a bowl greased with a little oil and cover with plastic. Let rise for 1 hour.

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Step 6

Divide into 8 equal dough pieces and roll like buns. Use a rolling pin and make oblong breads as in the picture. I think it's good to roll some coriander in some of the breads.

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Step 7

Fry in a dry and hot iron pan. Bake for 3-4 minutes on each side. When it starts to bubble in the dough, it is ready to turn around to bake on the other side. Brush the finished naan breads with garlic butter and sprinkle with some fresh coriander.

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