Oysters with 3 flavors - A delicious start to a good meal.

In recent years I have become very fond of oysters.


  • 3 pcs oyster

Version 1

  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

Version 2

  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp finely chopped shallots

Version 3

  • 1 tsp white balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp finely chopped sour apple

Starting a meal with some fresh good oysters and a couple of glasses of champagne is absolutely perfect. There are several varieties of oysters and there are many varieties of flavor combinations that go well with oysters. Here I have chosen 3 fresh flavor combinations with raw oysters.

Step 1

Buy fresh oysters and check that they have a good durability. Store cold until opened and served.

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Step 2

Here I have made a video to show you how to easily and safely open an oyster.

Step 3

I prepare the different "flavors" in advance and open the oysters just before the guests arrive or while they watch. After opening an oyster, always smell it after it has been opened. It should smell fresh from the sea. If it does not smell good, then THROW the oysters.

Step 4

Place coarse salt on a plate or dish and place the opened oysters neatly distributed. Touch the lemon, red wine vinegar mixture or apple cider mixture just before enjoying. Oysters are best with some good bubbles in the glass.

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