Homemade Roast Beef - perfect for breakfast and party!

Making your own roast beef is very easy and is perfect both for dinner or as a spread.


  • 800 gram beef tenderloin (preferably with a little fat)
  • 3 tbsp whole black pepper
  • neutral oil for frying

A roast beef does not get better than the quality of the meat. I think using the tenderloin when making roast beef gives the best taste. Here I show you my best tips and recipe.

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Step 1

Start by shaking whole black pepper in a dry pan. Bake for a few minutes until you feel a good smell of pepper and they start to "pop" a little. Roughly crush the pepper with a mortar, rolling pin, saucepan or something else hard.

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Step 2

Roll the beef around in the pepper so that there is firm pepper all over.

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Step 3

Fry the beef quickly in an iron pan on high heat. So it gets a nice crust on all sides.

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Step 4

Insert a thermometer in the center of the beef. In my oven from Simens it comes with a thermometer and you can set the desired temperature on the oven. The result is best if you fry the meat on a fairly low heat.

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Step 5

I set the oven at 53 degrees and let it bake a little extra afterwards. Somewhere between 53 and 58 degrees gives the best result.

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Step 6

When the meat is done, let it rest until it is at room temperature. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge. Use a sharp knife and cut thin fine slices. Serve with remulade, pickles and crispy onions. The post is made with and for Siemens home connect.

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