Internal temperature - to have control over the temperature is the key to success!

Here you will find all my recommended internal temperatures.



From the dawn of time, we have used heat to prepare food. From the first humans cooked food on flames, today's technology for cooking is much simpler. Controlling temperature and the ability to measure temperature is now almost a matter of course. Investing in a good thermometer makes you a better cook and it gives you security when cooking. By internal temperature I mean the temperature that the food / raw material has when it is finished. This temperature is very important to achieve the best possible result. A chicken breast can become extremely juicy, or dry and dull with the same method. What determines the result is the temperature. There are big differences in what is the ideal internal temperature for different raw materials.

Of course, there is no final decision on what the perfect temperature is, but here is an overview of my recommended internal temperatures:


Breast of duck 58 degrees

Chicken breast 61 degrees

Leg of chicken 70 degrees

Whole Chicken 72 degrees

Turkey breast 61 degrees

Leg of turkey 71 degrees

Whole turkey 72 degrees


Salmon 50 degrees

Trout 50 degrees

Cod 52 degrees

Mackerel 44 degrees

Monkfish 49 degrees

Halibut 52 degrees

Turbot 50 degrees

Whale 53 degrees


Lamb tenderloin 56 degrees

Lamb entrecôte 58 degrees

Lamb carre 60 degrees

Leg of lamb 75 degrees


Beef tenderloin 54 degrees

Beef sirloin steak 56 degrees

Beef Entrecoté 57 degrees

Beef Flanksteak 58 degrees

Beef Brisket 92 degrees


Pork tenderloin 67 degrees

Pork sirloin steak 70 degrees

Pork cutlet 72 degrees

Pork Pulled Pork 90 degrees

Pork Spareribs 85 degrees

Pork Porchetta 72 degrees


Deer tenderloin 55 degrees

Deer sirloin steak 56 degrees

Deer roast 58 degrees

Moose tenderloin 56 degrees

Moose sirloin steak 56 degrees

Moose roast 58 degrees

Reindeer tenderloin 54 degrees

Reindeer sirloin steak 56 degrees

Reindeer roast 58 degrees

Tip: Buy a good thermometer. Remember that this is the temperature you want the raw material to be at rest. So you need to take out the food slightly before you have reached the ideal temperature.